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As a non-profit organization, Noah’s Little Ark is always open to donations to help fulfill our mission. Monetary donations are preferred, but we also have a wish list if you would like to donate something with a specific purpose. Once you decide how you would like to donate, be sure to click the appropriate button at the bottom of the page to Confirm your Donation.

Noah’s Little Ark Item Wishlist

Noah’s is always appreciative of donated items. Since we are working with so many kids, one of our constant needs is to keep everything clean so as to not spread germs throughout the classrooms. Accordingly Clorox wipes, baby wipes, 3 – 5 oz paper cups, and paper towels are always accepted. Individual classroom and schoolwide Amazon wishlists are available through the links below. Please click the “Items from Wishlist” button below prior to purchasing or dropping off donated items.

View the following lists:

School-Wide Wish List

Busy Bees Wish List

Giraffes Wish List

Lions Wish List

Llamas Wish List

Owls Wish List

Tigers Wish List

Abby Benson Memorial Scholarship Fund

In addition to general donations, we also have a Scholarship fund that has been established in the name of our founder, Abby Benson. The seed money of $250 was gifted by her family after her passing in 2022 and the school matched that amount to start a fund of $500. We would like to grow the fund to a minimum of $1000. From that point we will start awarding a portion of the fund, so we can continue to grow the fund with earnings and additional donations so the scholarship can be awarded year after year. The purpose of this scholarship is to help offset tuition costs for a family with financial needs.

Please select how you would like to donate:

Noah’s Little Ark Christian Preschool is a mission of Palmyra First United Methodist Church and a 501(c)(3) registered charitable organization.