As a mission of the Palmyra First United Methodist Church, the preschool board may consist of, but not limited to seven (7) members of First United Methodist Church with a total voting board number not to exceed nine (9) members. Parents or other community members may fill the remaining two membership slots to provide diversity. Officers consist of Chairman, Secretary, and others as deemed necessary. An odd number of members is suggested for voting purposes. The board is accountable to the Church Council in the same manner as are other primary church teams, committees and ministries.
Debbie DiNunzio, church member, Co-Chair
Jane Zimmerman, church member, Co-Chair
Sherry Bement, church member
Becky Hassler, church member
Sandy McCann, church member
Gwen Pavasco, church member
Mary Ryan, church member
Shannon Maurer, NLA Parent
Nichole Simpson, NLA Parent (former)